EPIC Retreat Fall 2022
October 26, 2022 - Wednesday
Morning - Day 1
Afternoon - Day 1
2:00pm Talks
Rebecca Brown, Challenges Facing Nonprofits in Justice Reform
Çağatay Demiralp, Research Problems at Sigma Computing
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Poster Session Preview
4:15pm Poster Session/Reception
6:30pm Off-Site Dinner at Freehouse (2700 Bancroft Way, Berkeley)
October 27, 2022 - Thursday
Morning - Day 2
8:30am Breakfast available in Room 511 Soda Hall
9:00am Small Group Discussions - Berkeley researchers will be split into the following groups according to research focus, so visit the most relevant topics if you’re looking to chat with a particular student! Visitors should feel free to move around between multiple rooms to start follow-up conversations.
Unstructured data processing - 567 (SLICE)
Computer-aided program drafting tools (program synthesis, ML-guided) - 569 (SLICE)
Exploratory data analysis - 465E (RISE)
Low-code machine learning - 465G (RISE)
Domain-specific needs - 576 (SLICE)
12:00pm Boxed lunches available in Room 511 Soda
Afternoon - Day 1
retreats/2022fall/agenda.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/04 10:29 by kilov