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Dry runs are conducted in 510 Soda Hall OR online (zoom:
Meeting ID: 915 6257 5922
Passcode: 083269
Retreat agenda:
Please sign up for a dry run time for 4/10 (first draft of practice talks/posters) and 4/13 (the final drafts). Provide your first and last name, if you will be presenting a talk or poster, your advisor, and your availability for schedule below.
*(Talks: 15 mins + 15 mins feedback; Posters 3 mins)*
Monday, April 10th (9:00AM-1:30PM & 3:00PM-5:00PM)
Aditya is available, 4/10 9AM-4PM
Sarah is available, 4/10 9AM-12PM & 3PM-4PM
9:00 am - This is open
9:30 am - Justin Lubin, talk, “Usable Programming Tools for Experimental Biologists”, Sarah
10:00 am - Todd Yu, “Maintaining Visual Recommendation System Ranking Scores in Dataframe Workflows” (Poster), Aditya
10:30 am - Naman Jain, talk, “Parametric
API Summarization: Template Distillation from LLMs”, Aditya
11:00 am - Parker Ziegler, “A Need-Finding Study with Users of Geospatial Data”, Sarah
11:00 am - Avinash Rao, “A Demonstration of Transactional Panorama: a Framework for Presenting Visual Results in Visual Interfaces” (Poster), Aditya
11:30 am - Dixin Tang, “Transactional Panorama: A Conceptual Framework for User Perception in Analytical Visual Interfaces”, Aditya
3:00 pm - Connor Lien, “Scalable Lookup Functions for High-Performance Data Exploration” (Poster), Aditya
3:30 pm - Haotian Li, “Towards Natural Interactions with Data”, Aditya
Thursday, April 13th (9:00AM-5:00PM)
Aditya is available, 4/13 9AM-12PM & 2PM-4PM
Sarah is available, 4/13 10AM-11AM & 12PM-1:30PM
9:00 am - This is open
9:30am - Shreya Shankar, “Towards Observability for ML Applications”, Aditya
10:00 am - Todd Yu, “Maintaining Visual Recommendation System Ranking Scores in Dataframe Workflows” (Poster), Aditya
10:30 am - Haotian Li, “Towards Natural Interactions with Data”, Aditya
11:00 am - Parker Ziegler, “A Need-Finding Study with Users of Geospatial Data”, Sarah
11:00 am - Avinash Rao, “A Demonstration of Transactional Panorama: a Framework for Presenting Visual Results in Visual Interfaces” (Poster), Aditya
11:30 am - Dixin Tang, “Transactional Panorama: A Conceptual Framework for User Perception in Analytical Visual Interfaces”, Aditya
12:30 pm - Lisa Rennels, talk, “How Domain Experts Use an Embedded DSL”, Sarah
1:00 pm - Justin Lubin, talk, “Usable Programming Tools for Experimental Biologists”, Sarah
3:00 pm - Connor Lien, “Scalable Lookup Functions for High-Performance Data Exploration” (Poster), Aditya