Dry runs are conducted in 510 Soda Hall OR online (zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/91562575922?pwd=Q0RUcE9QdUtrWjlTTWJFSC9mUURGQT09)

Meeting ID: 915 6257 5922 Passcode: 083269

Retreat agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Unw3qCg6kfOZ1S2-KATFA1OVsdX3MoQE/edit

Please sign up for a dry run time for 4/10 (first draft of practice talks) and 4/13 (the final drafts). Provide your first and last name, if you will be presenting a talk, your advisor, and your availability for schedule below.

*(Talks: 15 mins + 15 mins feedback)*

Monday, April 10th (9:00AM-1:30PM & 3:00PM-5:00PM)


Sarah's session

Aditya's session

Thursday, April 13th (9:00AM-5:00PM)


Sarah's session

Aditya's session